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£495 - 2hrs plus 40 photos 


£1495 - 8hr plus 200 photos


£150 for each additional hour.


Additional packages available for full days, more photos and more post wedding products.


Basic Package (£345)

12 edited, digital photos

1 hour Outdoor session


Standard Package (£365)

 25 edited, digital photos

1 hour Outdoor Session


£15 charge for each additional photo


Please note additional charges for extended families.


More packages: additional images and post session products - e.g. fine art albums, prints 


Packages start at £150 for 3 Edited Images.


Additional photos can be purchased for £20 each.


A session for 3 people arranged for £250 with 3 photos each. 


Prices start at £350

Please get in touch for further details


This £395 package includes two hours photography and 50 digital, professionally edited, photos with a copy right license to print and share freely.


Additional hours are charged at £75 per half hour or £140 for an additional 2 hours. 

Street Photography

Packages start at £345 for every hour of street photography; including market photography, public street events etc. 

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